Joseph Motes | Owner

Joe is the local real estate/title figure that everyone calls when they need help.  He has extensive experience with complex real estate transactions, as well as remedying any title issues that arise before closing.  Realtors and attorneys all know that if there is a problem, Joe is one to fix it. Mr. Motes has a bachelor’s in business administration as well as serving in the U.S. Army as a medical specialist. Joe served in the army from 1988-1994 assisting platoon sergeant and squad leader. Through his time in the Army Mr. Motes received several medals for his achievements and leadership abilities. Joe Motes is a well-educated individual that brings his talents and wisdom to the title agency. He has been a part of the title agency world since 1999. His expertise in real estate law provides confidence and peace of mind for not only our clients but all those involved in the real estate transaction.

Mr. Motes married to Beth Motes enjoys spending time at his lake home when not in the office. He cherishes time with his wife, daughter Micah Aloisio and son in-law Jeffrey Aloisio.